This website is designed for all IT students to provide best notes based on revised syllabus and other study materials.We are mainly active on facebook page stay connected.
Now stay connected with helloprogrammers to learn coding, to become teacher and to download best handwritten IT notes.
We are the group of IT students of studying in Nepal who wills to provide all essential stuffs to IT students of Nepal for better study.
We are delightly grateful and happy to share our knowledge and course stuffs to our friends studying IT in Nepal. We want the students of IT to be more creative and straightforward so we also provides example of codes of different topic and challenge you for other questions.
We are very interactive guys from different part of Nepal so you can share any questions or thought related to programming and other IT fields.
Our team is very updated so you can see very latest news and information on technology and yaa... we will do hard to provide coding sample too.
By a hardwork and teamwork, we have made this website a lot for new IT students who wants to dive in programming era.
We are IT students of 2075 batch.We three are the founders of hello programmers.
I was wonderning what to read and how to read, then I found helloprogrammers the best one.Iam following helloprogrammers since my first-sem.
Thanks for your handwritten notes which match our syllabus thus it is very easy to prepare myself for my board exams.
Helloprogrammers Team ,you are the best because you brought out the best handwritten notes for us..
Helloprogrammers Team is the best teacher from the heart which makes everything easy to understand and memorise.
When anyone asks about what to read and how to read then our classroom makes noise that helloprogrammers is the best and only one.
We are blessed that we got helloprogrammers as our Helping friend for our study related materials and recent news and updates.
I found helloprogrammers best of best among all handwritten notes, helloprogrammers team as co-operative and friendly.
I am very thankful to my friends Pawan and Prabin for best handwritten notes.Because of their hardwork now I am able to access whole notes of my semester.
Thank you helloprogrammers for working hard on handwritten notes.We are getting best notes and best way to prepare for board exams.
Helloprogrammers is the best choice for IT related related study materials based on revised micro-syllabus,Recent news and notice updates and more.
All the essential notes of CSIT, BEIT, BIT and BE.Soft for Nepalese IT students with lots of news and information regarding new Technology...